Early into our conversation on the podcast, Michelle Vickers says that her pipe dream is to help people remember who they are. That’s a pretty impressive dream in my book and from what I’ve witnessed, she is doing it every day in her work.
Michelle has had the ability to see into the soul of the universe from a very young age, abilities which she understandably shut down until they came back online at the age of 29 when she was ready to fully embody them. Speaking from personal experience, I can say she is truly gifted at what she does.
“I can give people an opportunity to talk to their soul.”
I took that opportunity and it is recorded on her Authentic Human Podcast on YouTube. If you want to get a sense of Michelle’s work, you can check out my session by clicking on the link below and you will also find other soul sessions on her channel. If you’re called to watch any of them, there’s definitely a message in it for you. That is what I found. We are always drawn to what we need to hear.
Watch my transformational session with Michelle
As Michelle explains when I interview her, it is time to remember that our soul knows everything about us and we have access to that information. None of this knowledge has been offered to us in this life. We’ve been conditioned by the medical, educational, financial and governmental systems to believe that we are mainly powerless over how our lives turn out, except in a very limited way. This is not the case and I say this from personal experience.
As I write this piece after speaking with Michelle, every cell in my body is vibrating with the truth of what she shares. It is so refreshing to hear someone speak so candidly about the true nature of reality and how much of that knowledge has been kept from us for so long. But not anymore. Slowly but surely, more and more of us are waking up from the state of amnesia that we have been living in for most of our lives.
It is a process. At first we may feel anger and grief that we have been led to believe we are just victims of outer circumstances. We must allow ourselves to feel all of those emotions. There is also some inner work required to let go of all the unconscious limiting beliefs and conditioning that have kept us small in life.
Soon we find that we have always had access to an unlimited flow of universal energy. It is our lifeblood. Once we understand how to work with it, we can fully actualise our potential and become a catalyst for the expansion of consciousness on the planet.
James Redfield wrote about this paradigm shift in consciousness in his bestselling book “The Celestine Prophecy” in 1993. It is here now.
“Gradually, however, an awakening has begun. Our awakening is nothing less than breaking free from the modern age’s secular preoccupation, and opening our minds to a new, more truthful view of life.”
Some key points from the conversation with Michelle
When you know who you are, nobody an manipulate you, or control you. It’s impossible. You can then live in alignment with who you were created to be.
We have direct access to everyone in the universe, including the creator.
Humans were created to explore our potential. It’s that simple.
The only law of this entire universe is free will.
We are in the process of resurrecting human existence.
The first step is to know who you are; to know the intention behind your creation. Then you can begin to explore your individual soul purpose and potential.
Feeling is our superpower. “We’re meant to use feeling for everything. Strategically we’ve been taught to think instead.” And the truth of it is, if you’re thinking you can’t feel.
Healing self-worth is humanity’s greatest challenge.
You can create anything you want. Intention becomes energy, becomes experience. We must participate in creation. We are not passive bystanders.
Healing is restoring balance, mental, emotional and physical. All three must come into balance.
We discover what we’re meant to be doing by participating.
Michelle’s parting words are:
“Focus on where you want to go.
What’s your intention?
What is your vision?
Put your energy into that.
We’re self-sustaining when we access universal energy/consciousness.”
About Michelle
Born with the ability to consciously communicate with physical, soul & universal energies, Michelle works directly with Universal Beings to uncover the true origins of human existence. Revealing why humans exist, so you know who you are & why you were created, making it impossible for anyone to control or manipulate you.
I'm on a Quest to Free Humanity from suffering by Uncovering the TRUE Ancient Origins of Human Existence according to those who created humanity.
Each week I invite humans who are working towards reaching their highest potential to have a conversation with their Soul & other Universal Beings to offer clarity, courage and vision from the Soul & Universal perspectives. Allowing for greater ease as they step more fully into who they are meant to be.
Contact Michelle:
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you can purchase “Gifts from the Devastation” Audio Book here:
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It is my story of awakening through the experience of cancer but is relevant to anyone on a journey of self-discovery or awakening path.
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